Since 1998, BIOEX produces a wide range of efficient and eco-friendly firefighting foam concentrates: FFF, AFFF and AR-FFF. In 2002, BIOEX launched the first Fluorine Free Foam. concentrate in the market.

With a strong national and international presence, BIOEX foam supplier is the leading company in eco-friendly fire fighting foam manufacturing across the world.

Thanks to an international sales team and a dense worldwide network of foam distributors, BIOEX fire fighting foam concentrates are used all over the planet.

BIOEX high performance foams are approved by independent laboratories and meet latest international standards: EN1568, UL, NFPA, ICAO, LASTFIRE, USDA Forest Service, IMO, GESIP, CEREN, GREENSCREEN… They are proven to have excellent stability over time. 


Since 1998, BIOEX studied the challenges linked to fire fighting responses and now offers appropriate solutions that will guarantee extinguishing performances. Through subsidiaries in Germany, in the USA and group branches in Latin America, Asia, China, completed by an international distribution network, BIO EX foam supplier operates throughout the world and works as closely as possible with its customers. BIOEX supplies Fire Services in Municipal fire departmentsOil & Gas companiesChemical plantsAirportsMarineMilitary forces and Waste treatment plants across five continents.

About Leader

Since 1985, LEADER has developed, manufactured and supplied increasingly high-performance search & rescue and firefighter equipment, which we supply to Fire & Rescue Departments (Firefighters), Public Safety services, At-risk industries, the Navy and other armed forces, NGOs, etc. across five continents. LEADER offers innovative equipment for firefighting, search and rescue, fire extinguishing training or for working in explosive atmospheres in the industry:

With a strong national presence, LEADER is one of the top search and rescue and firefighting material manufacturers in France. Also, with a significant international presence, LEADER is one of the leading USAR equipment suppliers and firefighter equipment suppliers worldwide. LEADER S.A.S. now has over 65 employees and is part of the LEADER GROUP which is made up of 3 complementary business lines: LEADER, BIOEX and TEMPEST